Family/Systemic Constellations

Family /Systemic Constellations is a modality used to reveal hidden dynamics in a family/relationship/individual in order to address any stressors impacting these relationships and heal them. Present day and/or ancestral systems are addressed. This approach developed by Bert Hellinger is soul based- not psychological.  New insights, new perspectives, new awareness, new feelings can be part of the healing.

When this modality is powered by a true belief in each being's self healing ability and direction from nature and source connection, magic happens!


These are interesting times- old systems and ways of being are leaving and if you listen really closely you can hear the heartbeat of something new emerging.

And we still carry old patterns, fears, conditioning- always looking outside of ourselves for someone, something to help us- save us- forgetting WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR

Never before in the history of the world have more people questioned how they are living their lives and at the same time awakening to unique gifts that may not be understood or owned.




One of Elizabeth's gifts is feeling the intangible frequencies in the field; she is committed to assisting you in :

  •  Transforming the past at a cellular level
  • Creating a life that works better for you
  •  Creating community
  •  Recognizing your blocks- what stops you over and over
  •  Living a unique life
  •  Deepening your connection with yourself- which naturally deepens your connection with others
  •  Learning how to source yourself and your choices
  • Empowering a new awareness



Online Constellations -please contact

In person group constellations the fourth Thursday of every month at Una Vida Niwot

Family Constellation Work with Horses/Bee Hugger Farm Longmont-12590 Ute Hwy :
June 30th 1:30-4:30pm
July 14th 1:30-4:30pm
August 11 1:30-4:30pm

Individual one on one constellations at the Burtis Farms in Longmont with Spotty the horse-please contact


Contact for a free consultation

Get in touch today

Constellations and Mentoring

"Working with Elizabeth in a constellation is a compelling experience. She holds a safe container to open up space for fun, play, community, and exploration in the field! I'm honored to write words of appreciation and gratitude for the transformational work Elizabeth does." "I have also experienced patterns shifting- phenomenal work!"--- 


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